Search found 2 matches

by girard_denis
Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:23 pm
Forum: Direto, Direto X, Direto XR
Topic: Calbration with my direto on Zwift
Replies: 2
Views: 4934

Re: Calbration with my direto on Zwift

ok fine
I did the ftp long test (at last) and i felt resistance during it .. I set FE-C for all the stuffs
I don't know yet if all will be ok now
And i'm disappointed because my free trial period ended before I could test really other circuit.
Thx for your reply
by girard_denis
Wed Feb 21, 2018 11:20 am
Forum: Direto, Direto X, Direto XR
Topic: Calbration with my direto on Zwift
Replies: 2
Views: 4934

Calbration with my direto on Zwift

Hi everybody
I need your help
I have just buying my ht
I have some problem with calibration and zwift how can I do that properly please ?
I 'm not sure of my settings .
DO I use the Elite FE-C 13400 for each items : power, cadencer, control ?
thx a lot

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