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Web races
Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:32 pm
by damien.fleurence
Hello all,
Who are ready to make web races?
If you are interested, you can choose which one you want to do and you can organise it.
Best regards
Re: Web races
Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 3:03 pm
by stefano.anis.rossi
I'm interested!
But I tried to refresh the web races page and there was nothing. Is it connection problem or there is no community at the moment?
Re: Web races
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 2:36 pm
by edwinf8936
The list of web races sometimes is empty if no one has a race scheduled.
You can schedule a race of one of the videos you have loaded.
I would suggest scheduling a few days in advance so others can sign up for your race if interested, they also must have the same one loaded.
Ones may show up that are not a compatible device with your trainer and you will not be able to select it. That has been my problem, mine is older.
Re: Web races
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 8:29 am
by wakamatsu
Hello, can you tell me how can I join the web race.
I tried to join the web race several times until now, but I never succeeded.
One of the value of speed, cadence, distance or heart-rate of competitors was displayed for around several seconds(value don't change) only when I push the RETURN key of the PC.
And after a few minutes I got an error "connection error".
The race is hardly held.
The connection problem does not seem to have been solved for years.
Is the problem improved in future?
Re: Web races
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 11:38 am
Woo! Its so interesting.
Re: Web races
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 11:03 am
by Elite Admin S
It may be due to the settings of your firewall or antivirus.
Please contact the customer care at
[email protected] to investigate further
Re: Web races
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 7:09 pm
by alfredjodokuskwak
could someone please describe where i find the web race? I'd love to start one or take part but don't find it?
Re: Web races
Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:23 am
by Elite Admin S
the webraces are a feature of Real software only.
But we will add them also in my e-training Desktop in the future.
Re: Carreras web
Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:20 pm
by tass
Hola, buenas noches.
Me gustaría que alguien me indicara que debo hacer para conectarme en la una Web race.
Puedo organizar una carrera y también puedo apuntarme a cualquier otra que organice otro ciclista. Y el día señalado me aparece en la ventana de inicio indicando la cuenta atrás y el número de competidores y el Clic to chat que no funciona (tampoco se puede activar en los "Settings). Y de pronto aparece un mensaje: connection error. The socket server is not responding. Error # 10060"
Voy a la ventana "programación conexión Servidor" y en "Acciones" no puedo activar "registrar servidor" ni " Agregar una conexión al ordenador". En la siguiente línea aparece marcado "serve mode" , en el cuadro de GRUPO aparece el ID de la carrera seleccionad y en el de NICK mi Nick.
Debajo una columna encabezada con "Tu ordenador" luego el Puerto 1235 marcado "listo" y debajo la IP de mi ordenador.
Al lado de esta columna otra que me dice que no estoy conectado con un "Host" y "Puerto" 4000
Finalmente en el cuadro de "Log" Aparece que no estoy conectado y otro ciclista Si está conectado.
Temporizador desde que faltan 4 minutos y empieza la carrera. Yo veo todos mis datos de tiempo, potencia, FC, etc. y cuando pulso el botón "Racers" aparece una ventana arriba-derecha con mi Nick y los datos y la del competidor que Si está conectado pero pone "off Line" y le pone por ejemplo la distancia en negativo, es decir, la distancia que llevo yo recorrida.
Bueno, espero que el administrador, que seguro que es muy buena persona, me echará una mano para arreglar esto.
Muchas gracias y SALUD.
Re: Web races
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:46 pm
by maxdeep
stesso problema e ho verificato tutto come hai fatto tu. Ho scritto molte e-mail all'assistenza e loro dicono che ci sono troppe connessioni ma per me non è così perché non funziona da molti mesi.
Ti consiglio di scrivere direttamente a
[email protected] Il forum non lo leggono