Real Software for Qubo Digital Smart B+

Our old Real software, now dismissed

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Real Software for Qubo Digital Smart B+

Postby mrgizbo » Sun Feb 04, 2018 5:36 pm

Wich version is for the Model Listed, the are several files depending on the roller. Have you consider to build a unique software installation file with all the models in order to simplify it.

I have the Real Software Licensed and can't see any advantage over the App version. Moreover the disastrous interface full of language mistakes and no support for Mac OS I was hopping to have some premium options like the 3D Geo Located Routes, but it only imports *.tgm that can't be download from anywhere and has no support for KML, GPX or other common files. Seems not to be a real intention to update and maintain the program, continuos stops. The need of two accounts for using the software, one for the connection and other one for the races. Do you have any plan to solve all these problems? How can I import a geolocated route to the Real Software? Do I need a conversion program to change from KML to TGM?

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Re: Real Software for Qubo Digital Smart B+

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:41 am


We have released a new software, my e-training Desktop, which is synchronized with the app and is available also for Mac users.
But it requires an annual subscription (which is the same of the app now).
You can download it from here: ... e-training

About Real software, it is not possible to import tgm files.
You can import kml files, but it will end up in a altimetry/distance course (not a geolocated course)


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