As indicated in the welcome message in this forum:
This forum has the goal of creating a friendly and inviting place where to discuss and ask for advices on indoor training and on our products.
In the forum are involved some Elite technicians, so it is possible to ask suggestions and advices. The forum is not our preferred channel for assistance, so you won’t receive answers with the same rapidity you can have contacting our customer care. If you need a personalized, in depth or urgent assistance, we suggest to contact our customer care at the following address:
[email protected]
In the forum we don't answer daily. And it's not our official channel for the customer care.
Our customer care usually answer within 2 working days.
As you've written the 13th august at night, and the 15th of august is national holidays, you should have received a reply within the 16th of august in the evening. But you've updated your reply the 16th and this has moved your ticket at the end of the queue. Anyway, the 17th of august you got a reply.
We're sorry for the delay (usually we are faster than this).
And we're sorry for your disappointment.