I have maintenance my direto X after three years of using.
New belt, new bearings, as well it was necessary to grease belt grip attached to flywheel - grip is tightened in with nut, so I took it off and greased - was making some crackling while pedaling, now after greased all works smooth and nice, however scale of offset is different. Before service was 6397 as a required, now I am able to set only 6226 max. Please give me some tips how can I fix it.
Calibration issue via app, OFFSET scale has changed after belt replacement
Moderators: Elite Admin M, Elite Admin S
Re: Calibration issue via app, OFFSET scale has changed after belt replacement
For these who faced with the same issue. I have handled it myself. Rear axel, where is powermeter installed is very sensitive, to much tention on nut change scale of offset. If you tight in to much scale goes down if you loose scale goes up. Solved.
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