Direto ERG Mode and resistance

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Direto ERG Mode and resistance

Postby Ddenn00 » Wed Dec 13, 2017 5:14 am

I have the Direto and have been riding mainly on Zwift. I have noticed that ERG mode doesn't match up with the power I am putting through. For example, if I am doing a block that is 100 watts, I can be pedalling at a constant cadence and the power I get back goes all over the place and is very spiky. I tried to test it using the etraining app on PC to set certain power levels and the graph I get back is also very spiky and doesn't look consistent.

I am connected to PC using Ant+ on an extension cable so the sensor is right by the trainer.

Is there a setting I am missing?

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Re: Direto ERG Mode and resistance

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:36 pm

As Direto is very precise in reading power, it shows all the oscillations in power you really have when pedaling.
Also pro riders have those oscillation.
If you prefer to have a more average power tracking, you can increase the power smooth option in the advanced settings (my e-training app).
If you feel that the oscillations are too high, please contact the customer care at real@elite-it.com adding an exported training (csv or tcx format) so the guys there can analyze it.


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