Direto power output not right.

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Direto power output not right.

Postby stijn_jespers » Wed Apr 04, 2018 8:35 pm


Recently I bought a Direto in addition to my Turbo Muin.

Right now I have 2 bikes next to each other:
1. a 29" mountainbike on 2.1 tires = 2288 wheel circumference in the Elite app and 189 in other apps. Mounted on the Direto.
2. a 26" mountainbike on 2.125 tires = 2070 wheel circumference in the elite app and 171 in other apps. Mounted on the Turbo Muin.

Both trainers are connected to 2 different ant+ dongles on my computer, where I run 2 Trainerroad apps.

On the Muin, the power output feels fairly accurate, but on the Direto it feels way too heavy. 50 Watt on the Direto (wrong) feels like 100 watt on the Muin (which I believe is right).

I calibrated the Direto countless times now. Tried with 1 ant+ dongle and no Muin connected. I Tried resetting the trainer. I Tried different settings in Trainerroad. I tried with different apps, ...

I just can't get the Direto working right.

I also added some pictures/screenshots.


Elite2a.jpg (112.53 KiB) Viewed 6305 times
Elite1a.jpg (54.95 KiB) Viewed 6305 times
Direto & turnbo muin1.jpg
Direto & turnbo muin1.jpg (156.1 KiB) Viewed 6305 times

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Direto power output not right.

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:38 am

Please can you tell me the serial number of your Direto and the offset value you get at the end of calibration?


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Re: Direto power output not right.

Postby luismahy7 » Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:12 pm

Hola buenas tengo el turbo muin 2,al conectarlo con el garmin me pide el tamaño de la rueda,hago la division tamño de la rueda 2096 por 13.2 del rodillo y pongo el resultado,pero los datos que me da parecen erroneos me da una velocidad que me da q no es correcta x a 120 vatios me da 19kmh gracias y espero que podais ayudarme

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Direto power output not right.

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:52 am

Una velocidad de 19km/h con 120 vatios es correcta.
El Turbo Muin no es un simulador, su curva de potencia aumenta muy rapido comparado con lo que pasa en un entrenamiento real.
Por favor mira esto grafico:


Puedes leer tambien esto documento, que explica como funcionan esto tipo de trainer:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By4rZ ... XpKZU5JMlk

Un saludo

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