Direto calibration value

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Direto calibration value

Postby Blazinb123 » Wed Oct 11, 2017 1:47 pm

Got my Direto yesterday and set it up and did the calibration. And it came back with 6427 for a value. Started using on zwift and it didn’t feel correct and during a zwift workout wouldn’t hold the resistance value. Is this calibration number close to what others are seeing or is something going on?

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Direto calibration value

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Oct 12, 2017 10:35 am


6427 is quite a standard value. Remember to always do a 10 minutes warm up before calibrate the offset.
How much do you feel the power values are wrong?

Create a power training with incremental segments (1' at 100W, 1' at 150W, 1' at 200W and so on) and ride on it at costant speed.
If you feel the power is not correct, at the end export the training and send the file at [email protected] explaining the situation. We will analyze it and tell you if there's something wrong


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