Direto ERG Mode

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Direto ERG Mode

Postby tippett » Tue Oct 03, 2017 12:10 pm

When I am training in ERG mode using Trainerroad the watts from the trainer is way over what the program calls for.
100 watts feels like 150 and at 150 watts I can hardly turn the pedals. So far I haven't been able to complete any of my training programs.
This seems to be a similar problem that the Drivo is having.


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Elite Admin S
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Re: Direto ERG Mode

Postby Elite Admin S » Wed Oct 04, 2017 11:24 am

Hi Peter

Did you do a calibration of the Direto?
Please run our my e-training app and do the calibration (you can find it in advanced settings menu).
Let me know if you experience the same issue after this.
Also, in my e-training app try a power mode training and let me know if there the power seems correct


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