Power Graphs

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Power Graphs

Postby nseries11 » Sat Jan 06, 2018 6:00 am

I recently bought a Direto and performed a ramp test on it. Last year I did the same test but on a Wahoo Kickr. When I compared the power graphs I noticed the Direto fluctuates much more than the Kickr. In the end the wattage is within a couple watts of the target set but riding at a steady cadence I notice my wattage fluctuates quite a bit. I Included a screenshot of both graphs to show what I'm talking about. I performed both of these in Zwift. Would increasing the power smoothing in the my E-Training app make a difference (currently it is set at 3)?
Wahoo.jpg (35.23 KiB) Viewed 3893 times
Elite.jpg (43.21 KiB) Viewed 3893 times

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Power Graphs

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Jan 25, 2018 12:45 pm

Direto is very precise in reading power, so you'll see all the fluctuations (that are really there).
If you increase the power smoothing, you'll get a more stable value - but of course it will be less precise.


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