Dead direto

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Dead direto

Postby edrewarnold » Sun Jan 28, 2018 10:42 am

Had the unit about six weeks and have loved it entirely with no issues and yesterday was trying to link up with brother on zwift. Had been spinning it out in the low 100-150 range for ten minutes when I realized my brother had started early and I had a kilometer to make anyways. Anyways was powering thru 200 Watts when my pedals just lost all resistance from the units. Couple of fiddling with it and pairing with various apps wouldn’t wake up the flywheel/fan which don’t move at all. Unit still pairs beautifully but nothing happens with flywheel and fan. The plastic part whixh simulates the rear wheel spins though I hear a strange (ever so slightly) which I indicates whatever connected the rear axle to the flywheel is broken. Anyways, being only six weeks old I’m certain it’s under warranty. Anyways, loves it right up to this point and hoping it’s just a one off and I’ll be back to having a fully functioning trainer in no time.

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Dead direto

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:31 am


I see that you've already solved the situation with our customer care.


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