Real Turbo Muin B+ using App AND Zwift

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Real Turbo Muin B+ using App AND Zwift

Postby scoob » Tue May 16, 2017 11:29 pm

Hi folks. New question for you - I am trying to achieve the following setup which I would've thought would work but no joy so far.

1. Control the trainer via the Elite app, so I can set a Power level to help me lead events.
2. Also run Zwift in parallel which I'd have thought could just pick up the ANT signal from the trainer if the app is using Bluetooth.

I tried a few things to get this working. At one point I did get Zwift displaying the same power as the app was set at. Then it started dropping out and then the App just simply crashed.

Any advice?

Cheers, Martin.

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Re: Real Turbo Muin B+ using App AND Zwift

Postby Elite Admin S » Wed May 17, 2017 8:19 am

Hi Martin

I'm sorry, It is not possible to use this configuration.
The bluetooth doesn't allow multiple connection. It turns off the ant+ channels if they are opened.


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Re: Real Turbo Muin B+ using App AND Zwift

Postby scoob » Wed May 17, 2017 8:51 pm

Thanks for letting me know. So there's no way at all of fixing power at a set level and at the same time recording the ride on Zwift.

There's a useful feature to add - other trainers do allow bridging of connections so can set power using the device app (like the Elite one) and then just send that data to Zwift as a 'power source' which is all Zwift needs to know.

Ah well, not to be, but if it ever becomes possible this would be a good place to let us know if you could. Thanks.

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Re: Real Turbo Muin B+ using App AND Zwift

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu May 18, 2017 8:23 am

It's due to the protocol characteristics. Anyway I've forwarded your request to the development team.
If things change, I'll publish a post in the news section ;)

Have a nice day!

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Re: Real Turbo Muin B+ using App AND Zwift

Postby scoob » Thu May 18, 2017 11:28 pm


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