How do you open a ticket?

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How do you open a ticket?

Postby william.davey8 » Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:35 pm

It seems very difficult to get any answers from Elite Support at present. I have made posts, sent private E-mails, but no response.

Amongst the posts I found a reference to a support website where I found a form to "open a ticket". The catch here comes right at the end of the form after one has filled in all the information, one is suddenly requested to fill in the serial number of the trainer one has purchased. However on trying to send the completed form a message pops up that the serial number is invalid, and the form will not send. I have checked the notes about serial numbers and mine comprises 9 characters - 3 alphabet and 6 digits. That is apparently correct, so why is it rejected?

William Davey

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