Directo XR Power reading extremely high

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Directo XR Power reading extremely high

Postby [email protected] » Wed Sep 27, 2023 1:39 pm

Hi All,

I have a Directo XR that was purchased in Feb 2021 for €955 so its 2 1/2 years old and outside the 2 yr warranty. It is used about 3 times per week, probably 5 hours a week in total. Its been excellent, never any issues and I've used it with a few different software but mainly Tack Videos.
I completed the recent firmware upgrade last week and it worked fine. The following day when I started my usual workout it worked normally for about 2 minutes but then I noticed I was going really quickly on the screen and my power output was 1100 Watts! Speed was also high but cadence was normal.
I stopped and tried completing a calibration but I couldn't get up to the 32kph required, in fact the faster I pedaled the slower the reading was. I completed a few power cycles and managed to get it working and calibrated. It operated as normal for about 15 minutes before the same issue arose.

I can still control the resistance up and down with the app on iPhone but it stops reading power, cadence and speed after a few minutes.

I have been in contact with support who have offered a repair but it needs to be shipped to Italy from Ireland, the complete cost for repair will be about €300 including shipping.

I really like my Directo and want to get it repaired but I might end up spending much more money on it.
I can buy a Zwift hub for €600 (inc 1 yr membership) and have a new 2 year warranty

I'm looking for advice - Has anyone had a similar issue and what would they suggest I do?



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Re: Directo XR Power reading extremely high

Postby mihaill.georgiev » Sun Nov 26, 2023 3:36 pm

I have the same problem but for now no solution.
When I started to ride after no more than 2-3 min and watts go to 3,4,5k, speed go to 72 km/h.
When tried to calibrate it, same problem like you.
For now I don’t have a solution.

Do you have any success?

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Re: Directo XR Power reading extremely high

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Nov 27, 2023 8:15 am

Hi guys

If you are using a third party app, run my e-training to check if you have the same behavior.
Check the configuration and be sure to have paired only the trainer (just to do a check).
Then run the calibration.

If still the problem is there, there may be an issue on the electronic circuit board or the internal sensor.
In this case, the only thing to do is to contact the support for a repair:

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Re: Directo XR Power reading extremely high

Postby mihaill.georgiev » Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:49 pm

I calibrate it last week.
Zwift, ROUVY or my etraining all the same, after 2-3 min cycling the watts go to 2,3,4k speed on max and I fly on the road.
So I try to calibrate it again but I can’t reach 32 km/h. I don’t know what is the problem.
Also open a ticket but for now they told me to calibrate it, but I can’t do it and I don’t now what to do.

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Re: Directo XR Power reading extremely high

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Nov 30, 2023 9:32 am

Please go on with the support if you're already in contact with them.
I'm sure that they'll find the solution

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Re: Directo XR Power reading extremely high

Postby mihaill.georgiev » Sun Dec 10, 2023 9:48 pm

For those who are wondering, the problem is with internal sensor. Repair only from Elite. Price 300 euro.

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Re: Directo XR Power reading extremely high

Postby asietx » Wed Dec 13, 2023 7:23 pm


I've got a similar problem as the ones described above. My Elite Direto Xr is really hard to pedal right now, even with the softest cluster. I am using Bkoll right now. First, I used to stop and wait for few seconds and then, it used to work quite correctly. But now, it's not working any way and it is really hard to pedal. I tried to unplug the device and then, I plug it again but the problem is still there. I also try to use the Elite Direto XR without any app (Bkool, Zwift,...) but it was still very hard. Any solution for it?

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Re: Directo XR Power reading extremely high

Postby tonyadams » Tue Dec 31, 2024 3:34 am

Failure to reach the calibration speed (32 km/h) may indicate that the Directo XR sensor system is not working properly. If you have tried calibration multiple times without success, it is possible Suika game that the speed or power sensor is faulty.

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