Max SLope Values

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Max SLope Values

Postby dnjvan » Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:46 pm

Howdy. I like to download and ride these myRealVideo rides. However, it would be really useful if there were some usable information about the ride before you download it and ride it. For example, indeed there are days one would like to go out and do some climbing, and other days you may want to just get on the flats and spin off some miles.

So, the info on each video includes "max slope" in percent. Of course, slope, or grade, or steepness, etc., are usually expressed as rise over run measured in percent. So, if you climb 1 foot in 100 feet, that's 1/100, which is 1%. Pretty flat. Many of these rides show max slope of 0.01%, which would be one foot of rise for 10,000 feet run or distance (almost two miles). That would be pretty flat even for a billiard table.

So, I grab one of those, and it turns out the climbs are so steep that my Tuo trainer is slipping so badly I can hardly climb at all. Clearly this is not a "0.01%" grade or slope.

I've asked this question before (a few years ago) and got no answer. Clearly the "max slope" number on the Video stats is not really the slope at all, so I have no idea what it is supposed to be. But how come we can't get some usable data on these Videos before downloading them. It would be great if we could REALLY get the max slope, for example, before choosing a ride.

Can anybody tell me what's going on with here and why we can't get some accurate data for these myRealVideo rides?

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Re: Max SLope Values

Postby ken.kgself » Wed Apr 17, 2024 12:22 pm

This is a bug. When the slope shows as .01% it really means 1%. The person who wrote the code forgot to multiple by 100 to make a percentage.

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Re: Max SLope Values

Postby spillsnort » Thu Aug 08, 2024 4:54 am

ken.kgself wrote:This is a bug. When the slope shows as .01% it really means 1%.geometry dash subzero The person who wrote the code forgot to multiple by 100 to make a percentage.

Thanks for your answer. I got it!

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Joined: Mon Apr 24, 2023 6:51 am

Re: Max SLope Values

Postby tonyadams » Wed Nov 13, 2024 2:49 am

ken.kgself wrote:This is a bug. When the slope shows as .01% it really means 1%. The person who wrote the code forgot to multiple by 100 to make a percentage.

Do you know if there’s a timeline for when this bug will be fixed? Incredibox Colorbox Mustard

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