Direto XR-t. Power fluctuation

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Direto XR-t. Power fluctuation

Postby kamviag » Sat Oct 09, 2021 5:54 pm

First time poster, and first time user of a smart turbo trainer, so go easy on me please...

I have just received the Elite Direto XR-t, When I removed it from the box and set it up, it had no power, no lights, nothing, credit to Elite they send a new electrical panel to me, and with the panel change out the unit powers up according to instructions.

My issue now is, when using the Trainerroad platform for the first time with the Direto XR-t, in ERG mode, it appears to take some time to adjust to the new power that Trainerroad changes to. later in the workout it would constantly be well under the what the power it should be.

But the biggest issue is when in resistance mode, at a constant cadence the power fluctuates hugely, as much as 100 watts, the pedal stroke seems to imitate this with harder and easier.

My Garmin 520 is showing the same erratic power changes, so I dont believe its a Trainerroad issue.

Is this something I am doing incorrect, or could this be linked to the initial faulty electrical panel fault ? I have not done any calibrating or further troubleshooting yet. See attached snip of trainerroad.

Screenshot 2021-10-09 5.41.37 PM.png
Screenshot 2021-10-09 5.41.37 PM.png (108.23 KiB) Viewed 3693 times

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Direto XR-t. Power fluctuation

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Oct 11, 2021 8:55 am


It's necessary to analyze the data in details.
Please contact our customer care:


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Re: Direto XR-t. Power fluctuation

Postby richard.tribes » Tue Oct 12, 2021 10:48 pm

i'm also having the same problem. I tested on MyETraining, Zwift, Wahoo SYSTM on both Windows 10 and Android 11.
Did you have any clue to resolve the problem ?

The device is connected over Bluetooth, wheel is 2133mm, no other sensors are linked.


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Re: Direto XR-t. Power fluctuation

Postby [email protected] » Sun Oct 20, 2024 7:02 pm

I too have this issue ... with my cadence constant my watts suddenly drop to ZERO then back up again ... other times even with constant effort I suddenly find the power just fades away then comes back to the previous level without any change in my output. And I haven't even mentioned ERG which makes the device unusable. Broke my chain out of frustration. This is my second Elite Trainer... there likely won't be a third.

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