Drivo II - Slow Resistance Change in ERG mode

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Drivo II - Slow Resistance Change in ERG mode

Postby okhn » Wed Jan 30, 2019 3:29 pm


I got a Drivo II, which has a wonderful road feel. Setting up was easy. However, I am experiencing slow resistance change in ERG mode despite it is being promoted as 3x as fast as Drivo I. Ramp up for an interval takes around 10 seconds as you can see from the images.

This happens regardless of Bluetooth or ANT+ connection (BLED112 dongle respectively Dynastream ANT+ dongle) using Windows 10.

While the resistance change feels smooth it is not very helpful when doing short intervals in TrainerRoad training. From other posts I read that this a more common problem that can be overcome by changing parameters.

Can you help?

Intervals.jpg (21.62 KiB) Viewed 3161 times

Interval01.jpg (18.94 KiB) Viewed 3161 times

Interval00.jpg (21.06 KiB) Viewed 3161 times

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