Hi all,
I'm new to this forum and it took a while to register. I read this thread with a lot of attention because I also purchased a Direto XR 3 week ago, as an upgrade of my Elite Turbo Muin b+ which, i liked very much, but had no ERG.
I was able to upgrade my XR directly to firmware 073, i guess it was available just some hours

Anyway I can't judge the experience of firmware 067 but I too am disappointed by the performance of the ERG mode. I did expect a lot more of it after the review of both gplama and dcrainmaker.
Don't get me wrong, I like te trainer. It is sturdy and quit, and the feel in non-ERG mode is ok.
But I do a lot of interval training in Zwift and that's why I upgraded my trainer to the XR.
The biggest problem I see at present is perse the deviation in the power. It seems I get comparable results as posted by enesto a few replies back. I do use an external cadence sensor and have power smoothing set to 2. I also checked my calibration which is just 1 point of compared to the sticker, so it is just fine.
My biggest issue is the response of the trainer to a step in power. It takes quite a long time for the trainer to respond to such a change, around 20 seconds in most cases. This means that a training with smaller intervals for 30s (for example over/under interval) are impossible to perform in this way. By the time the trainer responds, the interval is over. I do notice that respons to a step up in power (keeping your cadence as smooth as possible) is reached earlier, but respons to a step down is terrible.
I can get cleaner intervals using my Turbo Muin and shifting gears myself. So this means when I enter a training with short intervals I end up switching off ERG mode. That's not why I bought this high-end trainer.
So i really hope that Elite listens to this thread. This is their TOP-OF-THE-RANGE trainer right? Must be possible to improve this!
I also search this forum for a long time and noticed some past threads where previous Direto trainers had the same issues. I also read in a thread that Elite customer service sometimes reach out to their clients with a tool that creates "a new profile". Would that be the "trainer diagnostics" button in the Elite app?
I also read that some customer than got the receive a file that they can upload to the trainer with the Ugrado app that seems to influences the behavior of the trainer. Does anyone here know about that? Perhaps that an Elite responsible cares to react on this?